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Welcome to the Hatboro EAC's Virtual Earth Day Event!

Please Visit Each Virtual Booth To See What Is Offered

“Hatboro is a small town with a big heart. As Mayor, I am proud of our community's efforts of wildlife conservation and climate change action. We will partner with the NWF to promote our Community Habitat Project, including the Mayors for Monarchs initiative. This year, we plan to educate, advise, and assist our citizens to be the "change you wish to see". We will certify wildlife habitats in the yards and open spaces of our neighbors, our places of worship and our businesses.

Hatboro, through its Environmental Advisory Council, is joining other municipalities throughout the country to become certified as a member of the “Ready for 100” initiative. This is a systematic effort to move our Borough into 100 percent sustainable energy in the coming years. It is smart fiscal policy for the Borough today and into a cleaner future.  2021 is just the start for a more sustainable, clean energy community. Looking forward to Earth Day in April. More news to follow….”

Mayor Tim Schultz, March 18, 2021

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Booth #1


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Booth #2


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EAC Earth Day Booth.png

Booth #3


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