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Note: There are no minutes for January of 2023 because the EAC did not meet that month.


Monday, August 7, 2023

Borough Hall


Present- Manager Hegele, Mayor Schultz, Alex Myers, EAC-Chairperson Swanson, Vice Chairperson A’Harrah, Carol Brunner, LuAnn Kline, Jim Maccaroni, Ann Menichelli,

Absent-EAC member Tom Bilotta

Hatboro Residents-Dave Head, Kim Goodwin, Robin Laufer, Natalie Forbes, Katrina Nuss, Todd A’Harrah, Sheldon Kernosh

 1. Call to order-Judith called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM

 2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Comment – none

 4. Clarification of agenda protocol-Judi asked that agenda items be sent to her in a timely manner.

 5. LuAnn made a motion to approve minutes from June 5th meeting approved with location of the meeting changed and the #3 statement removed.   Ann seconded.  All Ayes approved.

Judi made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 6th meeting as written. Kelly seconded. All Ayes.

6. Dennis Rowan, representative from Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)for PA, spoke about a plan that is available for adopting a green energy aggregation for Hatboro residents and businesses. It would also allow residents to opt out.  It is in the exploratory stage for Narberth, Swathmore and Media.

7. The PHS Bareroot Trees Fall application period is open for borough properties, due September 1st. Kelly had a few suggested locations. Diane stated that the street trees are the property of the business owners.  The Shade Tree Commission notifies business owners when the trees are needed.  Alex said there were a few barriers to some of the areas. Diane stated that any EAC proposed trees to purchase must go to Borough Council on August 21st. The Shade Tree Commission also must approve the locations. 

Jim spoke about the tree drive he organized when homeowners ordered and purchased trees for their properties.

Tim spoke of the possibility of trees to NWF property owners at some point.

Motion- Kelly made a motion to put forth a request for purchase of total of 20 trees from the PHS Bareroot tree offer.  The price would include the cost of the trees at $70 each and the Tree Diapers at $30 each.  Judi seconded.  All ayes approved. 

​8. Website update- Ann stated that she now has the password from Tom, so she can login and update, and remove the biographies, but list the current members, add an Earth Day report, recycling brochures, articles, and videos.  Items can be submitted to Ann. 

 9. The WeConserve EAC fall gathering at West Chester University – Saturday, October 21st

10. Milkweed/native plants are coming from the National Wildlife Federation. Tim spoke about the offering of 210 milkweed and native plants that will be delivered by mail and be offered to the 44 NWF property owners as a thank you for being part of the program.

11. Six birdhouses are left from the Elm Street Hatboro’s grant for birdhouses. They will be given to Diane for the borough NWF certified properties.   

12. A Zero Waste Event will be held October 5 from 6-8 at Pennypack-“Easy steps to reduce your trash to help the environment” from a PSU Master Watershed Steward.

13. Old Business- Diane said the Council is beginning to work on the grant write up for solar panels on Municipal building roofs. 

Perhaps a tour of the green roofs can be arranged at Hatboro Green.  Kelly also told about a PECO green roof tour.

People enjoyed the tour of Fluitron Solar and thanked Tim for organizing it.

Update on land development- Diane said the planning commission will see the CVS plans on August 8th.

Kelly said that it would be good for the businesses to be contacted about NWF certification.  Diane has spoken to them at Steel Penny and has an appointment to meet with Principal Sendel. 

Kelly wants to talk about Miller Meadow mowing and smothering. 

14. Public Comment- None at this time.

15. Adjournment-Judi made a motion to adjourn at 7:58.  LuAnn seconded.  All ayes. 


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Pennypack Facility – 130 Spring Avenue, Hatboro, PA 19040


PRESENT: Councilman Myers, Mayor Schultz, Borough Manager Hegele, EAC MEMBERS-Chairperson Judith Swanson, Vice Chair Kelly A’Harrah, Carol Brunner, Ann Menichelli RESIDENTS-Cathy Weitz, Katrina Nuss, Robin Laufer, Merrie Keller, Tom Rotchford, Todd A’Harrah, Marianne Shaeffer, Amy Haigler 
ABSENT: Members-Tom Bilotta, Jim Maccaroni, LuAnn Kline

Call to Order-Judith called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement of Chairperson- Judith Swanson reminded the EAC members and the public of the guidelines for public comment to allow meetings to run smoothly and business to be covered in a timely manner.
Public Comment – For agenda items only -No comments
Approval of Minutes – There was not a quorum of EAC members who attended the June 5, 2023, meeting, so the approval was tabled.  Kelly requested to have the location of the meeting corrected and to remove item number 3, since she received no statement to read. 
RF100/Mayor’s Report – Mayor Schultz thanked members for helping to plant the milkweed at the Cressbrook side of Miller Meadow.  He also commented on the TC Energy Grants and would like the EAC to direct their focus on the Solarization of the Hatboro Municipal Buildings at this time. Mayor Schultz suggested the EAC have a tour of two of Hatboro’s green companies- Fluitron and Alencon. 
Park Mowing Brief- This document was meant to summarize the park mowing procedures for the 2023 season. There was a discussion about the mowing of the parks and riparian buffer widths.
Relationship Upper Moreland’s EAC-Judith expressed an interest in co-sponsoring events, projects, education, and other partnerships with Upper Moreland. Kelly suggested partnering with the Upper Dublin EAC, who puts on an extensive Environmental Expo. 
TC Energy Grant- Kelly discussed various TC Energy Grants that Hatboro could apply for.  Diane stated that the Public Works building already passed an inspection to clear holding a solar roof.
MOTION-Kelly made a motion to install solar panels on the roof of the Public Works Building with a TC Energy Grant.  Seconded by Judith.  All approved. 
Solar Energy Roof Letter- Kelly will compose a letter that represents the EAC’s support for the Public Works roof solarization, to be used in the grant proposal. 
National Wildlife Federation- Carol reported the increase in NWF property certifications during the months with our free birdhouse offer.  Property certification points include 74/150 and education/outreach points are 150/150 to reach borough certification. Diane will give a NWF Certification packet to the principal of Crooked Billet Elementary School. 
Land Development Update- Diane said that an application for development of the former CVS has just been resubmitted to the Planning Commission. That is the only application.
Distribution of Information- Diane needs to have Chair Judi as our EAC/Borough communications person, with Vice Chair Kelly to fill in if Judi is unable to cover this.
MOTION- Judith will be the EAC member to prepare the agenda and collect supporting information from members to send to the Borough Manager Hegele each month.  Kelly will serve as the alternate. Judith made the motion, Kelly seconded, all members approved.  
Sunshine Law-Diane distributed “Open Meetings the Sunshine Act” from  All discussions of 4 or more EAC members must be at an open public meeting unless it is to create the agenda. 

Old Business-
a. Army Corps of Engineer Visit – Councilman Myers said that Hatboro was given an A+ for the mowing of the creek bank on the north side of Miller Meadow. Mowing is required by the Corps of Engineers. 
b. Social media-Ann will look into assisting Tom with updating the EAC website and removing the EAC biography section.  
c. Kelly asked about a Keystone Grant for more trees, and Alex said a DCNR grant project will be placing 558 seedling trees along the riparian buffers at the Little League field, Pennypack property, and the lower end of Eaton Park’s streambank.   


Public Comment-
Merrie Keller- Merrie wondered about the purpose of gaining 150 NWF certification points for Hatboro.  She also questioned encouraging wildlife since she has too many groundhogs near her property.  
Todd A’Harrah-Asked about the distribution of information among EAC members through email.
Robin Laufer- Suggested we send the NWF certification information to the Hatboro Churches and volunteered to contact them.
Katrina Nuss- Wants updates on grants for riparian buffers, wants the EAC to push for WAWA to use native plants and is concerned about the mugwort in the south meadow of Miller Meadow going to seed, and spreading.
Diane Hegele- Councilman Myers will be giving updates on grants at the August EAC meeting.
Next Meeting Date-Monday August 7 at 6:30 at the Loller Building
Adjournment-At 8:07 Judith made a motion to adjourn.  Kelly seconded.  All EAC members approved.


May 1, 2023

Pennypack Facility


PRESENT: Councilman Alex Myers, Mayor Tim Schultz, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC Members:  Carol Brunner, Jim Maccaroni, Kelly A’ Harrah, LuAnn Kline

RESIDENTS PRESENT: Tom Rotchford, Dave Head, Gary Hentschel, Amy Haigler, Robin Laufer, Todd A’Harrah, Cathy Weitz

ABSENT: EAC members: Chairperson Judith Swanson, Tom Bilotta, Ann Menichelli


CALL TO ORDER: Kelly called the EAC meeting to order at 6:35 PM.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2023, EAC meeting.  LuAnn seconded.  All Ayes approved.




A Chamber of Commerce member said that food, etc. requests from businesses can put pressure on already stressed businesses, so should be limited and timely.

Contacts with Nature Centers, etc. should be done earlier since many are booked for Earth Day.

Kelly thanked the vendors for participating in our event through email. Vendors let her know they appreciated having the refreshment room available.

Signage should be expanded. Carol suggested a banner, but Diane said the Borough would not pay for one. If we found funding, there is a schedule for the hanging that could create problems. The Light Sign Board may be used to advertise Earth Day in the future, if available.

The children’s activities were varied and attendance good, but we could increase activities for kids.

A few people requested we set up on the grass between the front of Pennypack Center and the bridge next year.

Kelly requested Tom and Judi send their comments. 

MAYORS FOR MONARCHS- Tim told us about milkweed plants on their way.  He discussed spaces in the parks for them.  He’ll also need a team of people to plant and water for this season. Kelly has a list of possible helpers.



MOTION- Jim made a motion for Kelly A’Harrah to be the EAC Vice Chairperson.  LuAnn seconded.  All Ayes agreed.


Diane stated that we didn’t set up a Facebook in the past due to the time involved, and the Right to Know laws can interfere with some of the communication. Keeping the EAC website current with current educational articles, events, and biographies of members would serve most of the EAC’s purposes.  Kelly will assist Tom with the postings on the EAC website, and the Borough will try to make the website more visible to the public.  The DCNR GRANT Zoom from April 26, should be posted on the EAC Website. 

MILLER MEADOW- Invasive Knotweed encroaching on the asphalt pavement will be addressed by Public Works.  The possibility of smothering mugwort in the back portion of the meadow was discussed.  Alex said a plan along with costs can be sent to the Borough Council for consideration. 

CLASSROOM REQUEST- Kelly requested a classroom for environmental speakers and for storage of Earth Day items.  Diane said there would be limited access to the room, especially when the Loller Building reopens.  Also, the request must go to the Pennypack Building Committee. 

PUBLIC COMMENT-None at this time.

ADJOURNMENT: Jim made a motion at 8:07 to adjourn.  Carol seconded the motion and all approved. 



February 6, 2023


Present: Councilman Alex Myers, Mayor Tim Schultz, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC Members: Vice Chair Judith Swanson, Carol Brunner, Jim Maccaroni, Ann Menichelli

Residents: Todd and Kelly A’Harrah, Natalie Forbes, Amy Haigler, Thomas Rotchford, Katrina Nuss, LuAnn Kline, Dave Head

Absent: EAC Chair Tom Bilotta


CALL TO ORDER: Tim called the meeting to order at 6: 35 PM.




APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Judith made a motion to approve the minutes from October 3, 2022 with no changes. Ann seconded and all agreed.


REORGANIZATION of EAC: Tom Bilotta is Chairperson appointed by Borough Council.

MOTION: Carol nominated Judith Swanson to be Vice Chairperson, seconded by Jim.  All Ayes approved. MOTION: Judith made a motion for Carol Brunner to be Secretary.  Ann seconded.  All approved.  We will not have a designated Treasurer at this point.


YEAR END ANNUAL REPORT: Diane said the EAC must write a year end summary and send it to her. 


EARTH DAY EVENT: The Earth Day event request will be for Saturday, April 22 from 10-2 at Pennypack Center.  The Borough Council is planning on dedicating a community garden to Christina Giovinazzo at the event. They also want to have a few classes in cooperation with the EAC.  Mayor Tim will reach out to some vendors. We’d like to have Chief Gardner’s hybrid police car highlighted if we could.  Judi will provide a tree themed display and nature walk.  Carol will provide a NWF certification display and kids activity.  Jim will investigate the possibility of small trees from Arbor Day Foundation and will also show videos on Pollinator Gardens and the November Tree Planting in the Gym.  Diane Hegele said she will send out some appeals for sponsorship for our Earth Day Events Fund.  The EAC budget of $250 was used to join  If the EAC makes any money on selling items, or gets sponsorship, it will go into the EAC Events Fund.  Rotary will do Rock Painting.  Ann will contact someone for Facepainting.  Jim will work on a poster for advertising.


ENERGY TRANSITION PLAN: The ETP was developed and adopted November 5, 2020.  It is important for us to work on some of the goals in the ETP to accomplish our Ready for 100 goals.  Tim provided some information on Community Choice Aggregation from PECO that was discussed at Sierra Club of Mont Co’s bimonthly RF100 meeting. Information on Solar Energy would be good for community education on Earth Day. The Loller Building has had an energy audit and LED lights installed.  Diane said that most of the Hatboro streetlights have been changed to LED.  Judith questioned the role for the EAC regarding ETP goals that have been or are being worked on by the Borough. Diane suggested one EAC representative to communicate with her, and she will communicate with council members. 


NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION: There are currently 55 habitat points toward our town certification goal of 150 points.  Eleven were added in 2022.  As an incentive, Carol suggested giving a bird box to any borough residents who have yards certified with the National Wildlife Federation in the time stretch of February 6th on through Earth Day or a future date to be decided. The logistics to the purchasing of wood and cutting still need to be worked out.  Diane said she’d apply for the Loller Building, Miller Meadow and Pennypack center be certified.  Borough properties presently certified are Eaton Park, Celano Park, and Cressbrook Historic House.


SHADE TREE ORDINANCE: Borough council will vote on the EAC recommendations to the ordinance at the next council meeting. The ordinance recommendations are in the EAC minutes from February 7, 2022.


NEW BUSINESS: Diane received a letter from Maureen Kelly, a member of the Stony Brook HOA Board.  She spoke with their management and HOA Board about protecting the woods in the back of their property.  We all agreed that it would be great if they could find a way to protect the land with a conservation overlay.


OLD BUSINESS: Ann asked about the Maintenance of Parks document to Borough Council.  Alex said it is with the Solicitor at this point. Ann wondered what is being done with Miller Meadow.  Diane said that Council has not considered doing anything at Miller Meadow.



Kelly A’Harrah wondered if the Borough has a record of the number of trees and sizes of that were cut by WAWA. Diane said there is a record and plan for replacement trees or fee in lieu of replacement.  Kelly also requested to have EAC’s support in the preservation of the environment at Pennypack Center.

Alex suggested we encourage community members to take the Pennypack Center’s survey, to get more people involved with the project. 

Jim suggested getting scouts involved and Diane will be contacting them about a Pennypack Project.

Katrina Nuss suggested the EAC connect with Crooked Billet Elementary School.  She also mentioned the Maintenance of Parks document and suggested following through with it.  Alex said the document was sent to the Solicitor. 


ADJOURNMENT: Jim Maccaroni made a motion to adjourn at 7:55 PM, Carol Brunner seconded.  All Ayes.


NEXT MEETING: March 6 at 7:00 PM


No Meetings November, December, or January


October 3, 2022


Present: Councilman Alex Myers, EAC Members: Chairperson Tom Bilotta, Vice Chairperson Katrina
Nuss, Carol Brunner, Jim Maccaroni, Ann Menichelli, Judith Swanson

Residents: Joe and Shawn Farrell, Todd and Kelly A’Harrah, Natalie Forbes, Amy Haigler, Thomas
Rotchford, Diane Lolli, Cathy Weitz, George Forgeng

Absent: Borough Manager Diane Hegele
CALL TO ORDER: Tom called the meeting to order at 6: 31 PM.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Judith made a motion to approve the minutes from June, July with no changes
and September with this title correction on page 2- c. Stabilization work- vi. Kate’s “ Hatboro Borough
Parks Management Plan for Land Adjacent to Watercourse”.
All approved the minutes for June, July and September with the title correction.


EV charging stations powered by solar and permeable surfaces be considered as future
Tom clarified the public comment policy with a three-minute limit with privilege of the floor at the
conclusion of the meeting. If there is a group, they should designate one spokesperson.
Kate emphasized the importance of vegetative buffer zones and her riparian buffer document’s
plan for the borough. Carol felt that widths of buffer zones should have some variance based on
community park use and size, especially for Celano Park.
Kate and Carol stated that the proper time for mowing the meadow in Miller Meadow is the spring.
Judith felt that the back of Miller Meadow could be cut lower to help walkers to feel safer.
MOTION: Jim made a motion to send the “Hatboro Borough Parks Maintenance Plan for Land Adjacent
to Watercourses” to Borough Council. Judith seconded. All voted yes.
Carol let the group know about the November 19 th PHS/EAC tree planting and asked for volunteers to
sign up. Jim showed us an ad that he made to promote the event online, as fliers, and posters around
Kate requested Brian Vidino (MCCD) meet with an EAC group to walk and evaluate the parks. Alex will
try to schedule a visit for October 29 th or 30 th .


Kate asked about the number of trees WAWA will be responsible for. She also asked about the future of
a rain garden at Eaton Park and gardens at other public properties. After Kate suggested the EAC
members work on projects on Saturdays, it was suggested that a Friends of EAC or Friends of the parks
could be formed. Alex stated that formation of a Friends of group was suggested in the 2040 Parks Plan.

Alex stated that a Growing Greener or Tree Vitalize grant is possible for adding gardens.
EAC sub-committees were suggested for adding extra meeting time for EAC projects.


Kelly A’ Harrah would like Borough Council to do more posting of information and sharing plans with the
residents since they need to know about any work that is proposed for Memorial Park, Produce Junction
and any other public lands before it happens. She also expressed a fear that trees will be taken down
along the creek behind in Memorial Park and at Pennypack Elem.
Todd A’Harrah also spoke about a need for transparency, wanting to cooperate with the Borough and
looking at various options to protect the trees at Pennypack while helping with stormwater
George Forgeng suggested walkers do not go into areas where you don’t feel secure and reinforced the
importance of the trees and vegetative areas for wildlife and the stormwater management.
Alex said that the EAC website and the Borough websites are going to be updating to make finding items
Kate feels the EAC needs to be informed about to grant proposals, so that the EAC can advise.
ADJOURNMENT: At 7:47 Carol made a motion to adjourn, Tom seconded. All voted Aye.





Present: Mayor Tim Schultz, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, Councilman Alex Myers, EAC Members: Chairperson Tom Bilotta, Vice Chairperson Kate Nuss, Ann Menichelli, Judy Swanson, Former EAC Chairperson Elle Anzinger

Residents: George Forgeng, Rich Souslin, Bill Tompkins, Amy Haigler, Kelly A’Harrah, Todd A’Harrah, Kathy Weitz, Howard Weitz, Dave Head, Tom Rotchford, Diane Lolli, Karen McFadden, Shawn Farrell, Joe Farrell


Absent: Carol Brunner, Jim Maccaroni


  1. Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.

  2. Introduction of new council member: Ann Menichelli

  3. Approval of July minutes (There was no August meeting.)

  4. Shade Tree Ordinance Recommendation for Council  - Diane Hegele received the recommendation for the Shade Tree Ordinance.

  5. Vegetation Maintenance, Growing Regimes and Mowing Schedules - It was presented and passed on to Council for a thirty day review.

  6. Sustainable Practices (e.g. reduction of deicer/salt, pesticides/herbicides usage) -The creek shoreline, riparian buffer maintenance, sustainable practices (e.g. reduction of deicer/salt, pesticides/herbicides usage) and pop in mowing schedules were discussed.

  7. Creek, Shoreline and Riparian Maintenance - These topics were discussed.



  1. Crestbrook Historic Home

  2. NWF Wildlife Habitat - Judi is working on an informational walkthrough.

  3. Judi - Steering Committee

    1. Stormwater control

    2. amenities/recreation

    3. Plans trees to be put in

    4. How to address stormwater

    5. Best rec amenities

      1. Soccer

      2. Sports

      3. ADA playground

      4. Pollinator garden

      5. ADA trail

      6. ADA garden

    6. Stormwater

      1. Flood plain, ordinances - There’s very little permitted.

      2. Recreate an inner channel, meadowland, riparian buffer

      3. Stabilization work-

        1. Boro engineer Goff will present

        2. Chris Mendel from Pennypack Trust

        3. Amenities, erosion and sedimentation

        4. Kate mentioned that there is no riparian buffer at any other Hatboro Park or area except at Pennypack.

        5. Board: document before will support

        6. Kate’s No Mow and Riparian Buffer document will go before the board and will help the EAC make recommendations

        7. The Steering Committee will make recommendations.


  1. Website - We discussed finding someone knowledgeable about websites to create a list of things to do for the website. Tim suggested Chamber of Commerce person and EAC member, Jim Maccaroni.



  1. riparian buffer zone management document - Kate Nuss presents the riparian buffer zone management document. There is no information for Hatboro whereas other townships have their mowing maintenance posted. Hatboro’s information was modified from Upper Dublin’s purpose and goals.

    1. A discussion took place about the need for a 100 ft. riparian buffer. Information was shared about how the wider the zone is, the better it functions for purifying water and keeping it cool for the health of the wildlife.

    2. Kate’s document is a first draft outlining, among other things, the importance of keeping mature trees since it takes 50 years to become mature as well as the May 2020 open space plan which says to “reinforce the buffer, not tear it down.. The document is well referenced.

    3. We need an Old Growth Ordinance.

    4. Alyssa Swartz, PA Department of Forestry and Brian Vidino, MCCD, are both willing to visit and evaluate the sites for free.

    5. Public comment: George Forgeng detailed the many positive results of no mowing that he has experienced on his own properties: slowed erosion, great increase in flower and oak tree production, incredible biological production overall.

    6. Kate stated that in addition to the No Mow ordinance, there should be a planned sequence to it that includes actively planting trees.

    7. A discussion was had about the 80 trees gained by the boro.


10. NEXT MEETING DATE FOR THE EAC - The next meeting will take place on the 1st Monday in October, 2022.


Public comment:

  • Kelly A’Harrah - Kelly lives near the field and is very familiar with the environment, wildlife, and creek life there. She requested more information to share and receive for the steering committee to have support from the EAC for the protection of the environment at the future Pennypack Park as it is developed by the boro. The idea of taking the trees there is not necessary or acceptable to the neighborhood. Removing any trees makes the apartments visible. Creek channels could be dug in order to help the creek flow.

  • Kate Nuss: Kate stated that this is a wildlife corridor important for large group migration. The paths animals need to migrate are actually riparian buffers. A beneficial 3rd committee would be dedicated to wildlife

  • Diane Hegele: The diseased tree that was taken down will be replaced. The boro learned of the West Moreland Bridge Project: the county wants to take down trees in Eaton Park. The County is not replacing any trees they take down. This council doesn’t want to see any trees taken down. The boro is asking to bring in professionals.


11. ADJOURNMENT -  Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.




JULY 11, 2022

Present- Mayor Tim Schultz, Councilman Alex Myers, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC members- Chairperson Elle Anzinger, Vice chairperson Katrina Nuss, Judith Swanson, James Maccaroni, Carol Brunner, Residents- Natalie Forbes, Amy Haigler

Absent- Councilwoman Reichner, EAC member- Tom Bilotta, Cole Woodsen

Call to Order- Elle Anzinger called July 11, 2022, EAC meeting to order at 6:41 PM.


  1. Cressbrook Historic Home which belongs to the Borough has certified with the National Wildlife Federation as a wildlife habitat.  That will move the certification points to 53/150.

  2. Judith reported on the first meeting of the Pennypack Steering Committee.  They began with an informal walkthrough of the property to see the scope of the features they will be working with.  The Steering Committee will be under the parks system.

  3. The Shade Tree Ordinance will be getting an update before going to Borough Council.

  4. The Gold Star Garden committee is considering the EAC plant recommendations and is in the fundraising and planning phase.

  5. Borough council has approved a few new trees to be planted in Eaton and Memorial Parks in the fall.  They will be to replace a few that were removed.  Judith recommended saving a few of the non-hazardous dead tree trunks for wildlife habitats.

  6. The Guidance Document’s mission statement discussion will be discussed at our next meeting. 


  1. Tom will be setting up a Google document listing Guidance Document topics for EAC members to self-select.

  2. Carol and Katrina gave recommendations for the care of Miller Meadow that will be forwarded to Elle.

  3. Katrina gave recommendations for the care of the streambanks including information on riparian buffers and stormwater management for Judi to share with the Steering Committee.  

  4. Elle, Kate and Carol signed the NWF Wildlife Certification informational letter for Crooked Billet’s principal Kelli Sendel.

  5. Diane explained that notices frequently go to business owners to urge them to keep their tree squares trimmed, neat, and to keep Hatboro beautiful.

  6. The Forest Fest event was tabled for now. A tree planting may be able to be done on a borough property in the fall.

  7. Cole Woodsen, our newest EAC member, was unable to attend tonight.

  8. The EAC is unable to meet in August, due to a problem with the meeting space.

VOTING ITEM- the voting to approve the June minutes was moved to the next month, due to the lack of a quorum.

PUBLIC COMMENT- Kate urged the mapping of all the natural features presently on the Pennypack School property, so that they can be preserved.  She also emphasized the importance of planting trees in our parks and urged us to find grant funding for trees through the Plant a Billion Trees project, TreeVitalize, etc.

ADJOURNMENT-Judith made a motion at 7:57 to adjourn the July 11, 2022, EAC meeting. Jim seconded.  All ayes approved.


JUNE 6, 2022

Present- Councilman Alex Myers, EAC members- Chairperson Elle Anzinger, Vice chairperson Katrina Nuss, Tom Bilotta, Carol Brunner

Absent- Councilwoman Reichner, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC members-Jim Maccaroni, Judith Swanson

Call to Order- Elle Anzinger called June 6, 2022, EAC meeting to order at 6:34 PM at the Crooked Billet School Library


  1. Our Saturday Earth Day coincided with Horsham’s Jarret Nature Center and Upper Moreland’s Mason’s Mill events.  Other days and location possibilities were discussed.

  2. More advertising/visibility is needed-a banner across York Road, posters around town, as well as Borough online sites and other media.  The set up could be closer to and more visible from the street.

  3. Elle stated that the EAC needs to reach out to vendors by October or November to book them for Earth Day. January was too late.


  1. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMING- An EAC sponsored October tree focused event was discussed.

  2. An EAC member contact list has been updated. Upgrades and updates to the EAC website are coming.

  3. HATBORO EVENTS- EAC may want to set up an outreach table at National Night Out, 80s Pool Night, and the September Union Library Book Sale.


    1. The mission statement is still under discussion.  Kate will send her suggestions to Elle.

    2. Topics will be compiled, and members will select topics to be completed as Word documents that Elle will compile. The goal is for the draft of the NRM Guidance Document to be completed by September.

  5. Councilman Myers let us know that the Shade Tree commission was increasing from 3 to 5 members.  Also, the Pennypack Property Steering Committee will include a group to focus the grounds and one to focus on the building.  He let us know that Judith Swanson will be on the grounds steering committee. 

MOTION- Tom made a motion to accept the April 4, 2022, minutes as written, Kate seconded, all AYES.


ADJOURNMENT- At 7:40 PM Carol made a motion to adjourn the June 6, 2022, meeting.  Tom seconded and all approved.


APRIL 4, 2022

Present- Mayor Tim Schultz, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, Councilman Alex Myers, EAC members- Chairperson Elle Anzinger, Vice chairperson Katrina Nuss, Tom Bilotta, Carol Brunner, Jim Maccaroni, Residents- Natalie Forbes, Art Friedman

Absent- Councilwoman Reichner, EAC member-Judith Swanson

Call to Order- Elle Anzinger called April 4th EAC meeting to order at 6:03PM



  1. Walk Works- a group gathered at the Borough Hall to take a 2 mile walk through town, following posted signs.  This was the second organized walk for the season. Elle had a chance to give the walkers some environmental information along the way.  The next is a walk with the Easter Bunny.

  2. The Borough Council will stay with the Ordinance for EAC positions.  They have been staggered to prevent full board vacancies.  Chairperson, appointed by the Council is a 3 year term, Vice chair is 2 years and Secretary is 1 year.

  3. Shade Tree Inventory of park trees- The last time this was done was in 2016.  Elle did not have it with her but will circulate this list for members to view.

  4. Earth Day Update- Sign up any presenters or vendors at the green link on the EAC website

  1. EAC- There will be tables provided, and approximately $50 available for each EAC member for expenses as needed.  The EAC will have approximately 5 different educational stations. A table for children will have pinecone bird feeders to make, Monarch table will have milkweed plants to give away

  2. Borough electronics recycling, Public Works Creek Clean-Up

  3. Vendors-solar, wind, electric vehicles, honey, perhaps a few more

  4. Fire Company-providing food for sale in the pavilion

  5. Events Committee to advertise the program.



  1. Natural Resources Management Guidance Document

Various aspects of the document were discussed.Further discussion will continue at the May meeting.Alex thanked the EAC for working on the Guidance Document, since it not only helps Hatboro, but other municipalities can use it as an example.

  1. The NWF certification letter to the Friends of Cressbrook was read with no edits or changes suggested. 


  1. Tom made a motion to approve the NWF letter for the Friends of Cressbrook so they can consider certification.  Jim seconded.  All ayes approved.

  2. Kate made a motion to accept the March 7th EAC minutes after one edit was made.  Tom seconded.  All ayes approved. 



Art Friedman, who was involved in starting an EAC in Northampton, said that the Guidance Document is aggressive document and a lot further than we got in Northampton. 

Natalie Forbes stated that she has a map of the PECO Green Grant for Miller Meadow with the species of trees included.  She stated that the PECO Green Grant inspired Natalie and a friend to establish a Monarch Waystation in the park.  A few years ago it had to be taken down due to the mugwort taking over the garden.

ADJOURNMENT- Carol made a motion to adjourn the April 4th EAC meeting at 7:11 PM.  Tom seconded.  All approved.


MARCH 7, 2022

Present- Mayor Tim Schultz, Councilman Alex Myers, EAC members-Chairperson Elle Anzinger, Vice chairperson Katrina Nuss, Tom Bilotta, Carol Brunner, Judith Swanson, Resident-Amy Haigler

Absent- Councilwoman Nicole Reichner, EAC member-Jim Maccaroni

Call to Order- Elle Anzinger called the March 7th EAC meeting to order at 6:02 PM.



The National Wildlife Federation community outreach letter to businesses, apartment complexes and Crooked Billet Elementary School will be tabled until the April meeting.  Carol and Judith requested a short NWF community certification message be included in the EAC e-bulletin section every other month.

Vice chair Katrina Nuss and Secretary Carol Brunner will remain in their positions for a one-year term.  Alex will speak with Borough Manager Hegele to determine if terms for these positions should be codified.

A Deer Crossing sign on Horsham Road will be discussed at the Borough Council meeting. 

The Shade Tree Commission’s annual tree inventory is usually updated in October.  Elle was able to get a list of the York Road street trees, and will get the updated list of park trees to share with EAC when it is available. 



2022 EAC Goals-

1)Create a guidance document for best natural resource management practices that can be a guide for public works and the residents of Hatboro.

2) Make plans for the Borough’s move toward more electric and hybrid vehicle replacements as new vehicles are needed and increase borough EV charging stations through grants.

3) Increase EAC membership and outreach by attending events and providing educational information as appropriate.

4) Website updates for community information and education on environmental issues

B. Earth Day event- Elle filled out an event application for the EAC.  The Earth Day event will be April 23rd in Eaton/Memorial Parks.  A participation form for venders is on the EAC website.  There is a $25 dollar fee for venders, non-profit organizations are free. 

C. Walk Works-March 19th Green Walk-11 AM Meet at Borough Hall for the public and EAC members. 


Approval of Minutes- Judith made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2022 with no corrections.  Unanimously approved.


Public comment-

Amy Haigler expressed a desire for the safe recycling of batteries from Electric Vehicles used by the Borough of Hatboro.

Kate expressed concerns with event usage in Miller Meadow, since according to e-code Chapter 16-105 “Miller Meadow Open Space shall be preserved in a natural condition and shall be available for the enjoyment of all persons and subject to the rules and regulations established by Montgomery County”.  Events and activities are subject to the approval of the Hatboro Borough Council. 

Kate feels that night lighting should not be added to the Gold Star Memorial, since the park is closed at dusk and the light may harm pollinators.


Elle stated that both of Kate’s concerns are not under the purview of the EAC, and those concerns should be taken to Borough Council.


Tom recommended all topics for discussion be forwarded to Elle for the agenda.

Adjournment- Judith made a motion to adjourn the March 7th EAC meeting at 7:32. Kate seconded. All approved.


FEBRUARY 7, 2022

PRESENT-EAC members-Chairperson Elle Anzinger, Vice Chair Katrina Nuss, Judith Swanson, Tom Bilotta, Carol Brunner, Councilman-Alex Myers, Residents-Natalie Forbes, Shira Worley, and one unidentified

ABSENT- EAC member Jim Maccaroni, Councilwoman Nicole Reichner


CALL TO ORDER-Elle Anzinger called the February 7th EAC meeting to order at 6:00 PM.




The Gold Star Miller Meadow is now in the designing stage.  The EAC plant recommendations were received.

The shade tree ordinance recommendations to be voted on will include, “Bradford (Callery) pears are on the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources invasive tree list.”



  1. 2022 Programming

    1. Electric/hybrid vehicle transition plan for Hatboro

    2. EAC website updates

    3. EAC membership growth and outreach to the community

    4. Zero waste initiative

    5. NWF Certification program

  2. Earth Day- April 23rd the EAC is going to participate in an Earth Day program at Eaton and Memorial Parks.  We are planning some environmental education displays, demonstrations, and children’s activities for families.

  3. New sub committees for 2022 are moved to our next meeting.

  4. Katrina asked for the Shade Tree Commission’s survey of trees located in Miller Meadow and the Deer Crossing sign on Horsham Road was discussed. 

  5. Katrina will continue as Vice Chairperson and Carol as Secretary for 2022.  Terms and positions will be discussed at the next meeting.

MOTION- Katrina made a motion to accept the EAC minutes of the November 1, 2021 meeting as they stand, Judith seconded.  All ayes, Tom abstained.

SHADE TREE ORDINANCE recommendations by EAC to pass to Borough Council-

     25-103..”provide” for proper maintenance--- replace “provide” with “recommend”

     25-105  #7  Explain what type of root barrier is to be used.

A. The tree pits for new trees should be a total of 16 square feet and permeable flat surface should be used instead of cement blocks in the opening.

B.  Remove the comma between Honey and Locusts.  The tree name is “Thornless Honey Locust”.Locust should not stand alone, since only the thornless would be acceptable.

Remove “Pears” as acceptable trees.  Bradford (Callery) pears are on the PSU invasive forest tree list.  

MOTION- Judith made a motion to approve the EAC’s Shade Tree Ordinance recommendations, Tom seconded. All voted aye.

MOTION- Judith made a motion to approve the January 13, 2022 EAC minutes, Katrina seconded.All ayes, Tom abstained.




ADJOURNMENT-Judith made a motion to adjourn the EAC meeting at 7:20 PM on February 7, 2022. Carol seconded the motion and all voted yes.


Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 6 PM via Zoom

All votes will take place at the February 7, 2022 meeting.

Present-Council members-Alex Myers, Nicole Reichner, Mayor Tim Schultz, EAC members-Elle Anzinger chairperson, Katrina Nuss vice chair, Judith Swanson, Jim Maccaroni, Carol Brunner


Absent- Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC member-Tom Bilotta

Elle Anzinger called the January 13th EAC meeting to order at 6:06 PM.

Public Comment-No comment


There was a brief discussion of the vice chair and secretary positions that was tabled until the February 7 EAC meeting.

The minutes from the November 1, 2021 EAC meeting will be voted on at the February EAC meeting.

Elle presented a brief introduction to Hatboro’s Energy Transition Plan. It was submitted to the Montgomery County Planner, John Lesher, and to the Borough Council. There may be some modifications before final approval.  A copy will be sent to EAC members.

The Borough will send a list of 2022 EAC meeting dates to all EAC members.



The EAC’s annual report was received by the Borough Council.

Gold Star Garden recommendation will be sent to Jim, so he has an opportunity for input before January 30th.  A plan from the GSG committee will be presented to council in February.

Miller Meadow’s phase 2 updates will be coming in the spring. The Borough Engineer is managing the project along with Alex and Nicole’s oversight.  A permeable parking area is part of phase 2. Alex Myers will ask Diane Hegele about the type of surface. Kate mentioned about preserving Miller Meadow as a dark space and that was tabled for the February meeting.

A Shade Tree Ordinance review will be moved to old business for the February meeting. The document will be shared with new EAC members. Kate requested a copy of the Shade Tree Commission’s October report.



Elle stated that programming for 2022 will be on the agenda for the February meeting.  Some items will be the NWF Certification program, Earth Day, Events for outreach, Pollinator Protection Plan, rain garden, as well as green roofing and zero waste initiatives.

Tim commended Elle for the work on the ETP, and then stated he has goals as part of the NWF Mayor’s for Monarchs program.  He shared some of his information from the RF100 Sierra Club of SE PA group and recommended EAC members join the meetings.

Judith stated the importance of our EAC website as an important tool for community education and outreach.  She feels it needs to be updated more often with current articles and information.  Also, the EAC needs to have articles included in the Borough e-newsletter each month, if possible.

Alex stated that a community TV channel would soon be live and could include EAC/NWF information for the public.  He will bring the Earth Day and other community event dates for the February 7th meeting to help with planning.




ADJOURNMENT-Judi made a motion to adjourn the EAC meeting on January 13, 2022, at 7:15. Carol seconded.  All ayes.


November 1, 2021

PRESENT-  EAC vice president Katrina Nuss, EAC members Judith Swanson and Carol Brunner, Residents-Laura Banes and Natalie Forbes. 

ABSENT- Councilwoman Anzinger, Councilwoman Reichner, Borough Manager Diane Hegele, EAC president Jill Murray, and EAC member Tom Bilotta

CALL TO ORDER-  Katrina Nuss called the November 1st EAC meeting at Crooked Billet School to order at 6:07 PM

PUBLIC COMMENT- Natalie Forbes asked, “Has removal of non-native trees planted on the Miller Meadow ever been discussed?”  Carol asked Natalie if she knew the species of the trees she was talking about.  Natalie said she didn’t. Kate then said she’d ask for the Shade Tree Commission’s tree survey.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Judith Swanson made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 4 meeting.  Katrina seconded.  All ayes approved.


  1. Shade tree ordinance review-

25-103..”provide” for proper maintenance--- replace “provide” with “recommend”

25-105  #7  Explain what type of root barrier is to be used.

​A.  Discussion included the average size of squares, increasing tree pits for new trees to a total of 16 square feet, and using a permeable flat surface instead of cement blocks in the opening.

B.  Remove the comma between Honey and Locusts.  The tree name is “Thornless Honey Locust”.Locust should not stand alone, since only the thornless would be acceptable.

Remove “Pears” as acceptable trees.  Bradford (Callery) pears are on the PA DNCR invasive tree list.  


  1. Annual Report discussion- The report will be written with a summary of the EAC accomplishments regarding our goals for NWF outreach, ETP, Website and Earth Day along with some photographs. 

  2. EAC social media proposal- Tom suggested an EAC Facebook page, but no one in attendance was willing to create an account and maintain it at this time.

  3. Goal discussion- Earth Day preparation, RF 100, NWF increase numbers of homes and common properties, E-CODE review, grow membership, collaboration with local EACs, explore a rain Garden project in Eaton Park.

  4. December Borough Bulletin article- Judith will submit an article for December by the 23rd of November about designing bridges that include homes for bats, birds, etc.  Carol will submit an article related to NWF certification in December for the January bulletin.



  1. York and Horsham Road update- Density of trees and addition of evergreens on Miller Meadow are questions Katrina will submit to Manager Hegele

  2. Lighting Ordinance update-The question will be submitted to Diane

  3. Deer crossing signage- Diane will check into this

  4. EAC T-shirts- There was discussion without a vote.

  5. Sub- Committee Reports

-Energy Transition plan- Electric cars/hybrid cars are a possibility for the parade or on Earth Day

-National Wildlife Federation-We registered Hatboro on Mar 2, with 16 points (Eaton Park, 13 houses) 27 points have been added, bringing the total to 43 (Celano Park, Hatboro library, Nourishing Storm have added 3 points each)

-Website-Katrina felt that she needs some instruction from Tom or Deena DeRenzis so she will be able to update and add items to the website. We thought that Deena’s instructional time could be paid out of the EAC budget.

6. Community concerns- Carol heard that someone is planning to work on a Gold Star Garden for Miller Meadow.  That information could be shared with EAC members and Gardeners of Crooked Billet, incase individuals want volunteer to help.


PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR- Kate wondered what happened to the Swan that has been spending time near Miller Meadow. Kate also expressed concern about someone who is allowing two dogs off leash to race through the meadow area of Miller Meadow.




ADJOURNMENT-Carol made the motion to adjourn the EAC meeting on November 1, 2021, at 7:09 PM.  Judith seconded.  All ayes.

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