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Sustainable Energy


Transition Plan

Below is a list of ongoing goals of the Hatboro Environmental Advisory Council. For more information on each project, please click the link to visit the individual project page.

Ongoing Goals
  • Goal #1, Energy Transition Plan:
    In October 2020, the EAC recommended the approval of the Hatboro Ready for 100 Renewable Energy Resolution which aligns with the Sierra Club’s RF100 Campaign.  The Resolution was adopted by Council.  Currently, data is being collected on the use and cost of energy consumption within Borough-owned buildings.  The energy audit will provide data to create a baseline for the Hatboro Energy Transition Plan.  As a roadmap, the ETP outlines goals to be met by specific dates in accordance with the RF100 Renewable Energy Resolution.  The ETP must be presented to Borough Council by October 2021 for its approval.

    Click on the link below for more information on Ready For 100:

  • Goal #2, National Wildlife Federation's Community Wildlife Habitat Program: â€‹
    The Hatboro EAC is encouraging residents, schools, places of worship, and businesses to join in and support a National Wildlife Federation Community Wildlife Habitat Certification program in the borough.  This program certifies backyards, schools, public buildings, places of worship, and entire communities that meet certain criteria as Wildlife Habitat, and promotes Environmental Education for residents.


      If enough Hatboro gardens can be individually certified, then the Borough can attain certification as a           Community Wildlife Habitat, and align itself with other environmentally conscious municipalities in our             area, becoming part of a veritable “Corridor of Habitat” that allows beneficial insects such as bees and           butterflies, wild birds, and other small animals to flourish in our locale. We request the community’s help           to achieve this goal.


     Hatboro Community Profile


     Register your Garden with the National Wildlife Federation


      5 tips for gardening for wildlife-video


Potential Goals of the EAC


Below is a list of potential goals of the Hatboro EAC. Updates will be provided if and when goals materialize. For more information, please complete the form found on the Contact Us page.


  • Bird Town

  • Educational Lecture Series

  • Green Business Community Initiative

  • Nature/Eco Education Tours

  • Open Space Conservation Plan

  • Rain Gardens, Rain Barrels, and Stormwater Management

  • Zero Waste Initiative

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